19 Sep Christy Rupp: Carbon, Mostly
From September 19–October 11, 2015 BCB ART presents Christy Rupp: Carbon, Mostly
“Land really is the best art” – Andy Warhol
“The best thing about the earth is if you poke holes in it –oil and gas come out”––Republican Congressman Steve Stockman 2013
The forefront of CHRISTY RUPPS’s work has always been centered on our world, our environment- and how we choose to respect or disrespect this planet.
Endangered species vs. the national debt? The earth has value beyond what We can ever imagine.
A reception of the artist will be held at the gallery on Saturday- September 19th 6-8pm
Also on view will be work by gallery Artists – John Foxx, Michael Lindsay-Hogg, Lynn Itzokwitz, Musho Rodney Alan Greenblat, Richard Butler, Justin Baker, Alan Kupchick ,Barbara Friedman, Gmily Gui – and others.