14 Aug Claiming Moments by Frank Cressotti and The Spectator Place by Barbara Friedman
From August 14th through September 19th 2010 BCB ART will present new work by Frank Cressotti and Barbara Friedman.
CLAIMING MOMENTS- new work by Frank Cressotti depict an accumulation of natural and manmade remnants arranged as personal, triumphant still lifes. Objects are often times precariously piled or balanced making a reference to the act of staking a claim to a site with an impromptu, eventful monument.
In a new group of paintings, collectively titled THE SPECTATOR PLACE, Barbara Friedman alludes to the plays of the ancient Greeks, where unstoppable events were taking place in steep theaters- leaving the viewers in a Dionysian state- fully informed but unable to change the unfolding events.
An opening reception for the artists will be held at the gallery on Saturday August 14th from 6-8 pm.
Also on view will be an exhibition of gallery artists- including work by Jim Goss, Joy Taylor, Lucio Pozzi, Ed Smith, Kay Rosen, Ching Ho Cheng, Susan Fowler-Gallahger and others.