BCB ART | The M.Van Dyke Monoprints of the 1980’s
BCB ART in Hudson, New York
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The M.Van Dyke Monoprints of the 1980’s

From August 22–September 13, 2015 BCB ART presents The M.Van Dyke Monoprints of the 1980’s

“During the eighties I was making several small editions of etchings at Robert Blackburn’s Printmaking Workshop in New York. I was working with a young master printer Bob had introduced me to, Marjorie Van Dyke. In her work she was driven and very inventive. We couldn’t stop playing with intaglio, sugarlift, aquatint, chine collée and other techniques she taught me to work withEventually,  I overcame a prejudice I had about monoprinting, the method which allows the artist to work directly on a metal plate and print only one single image at a time. Until then I had felt it could be conducive to facility. Instead a whole world opened up for me as I used some already engraved etching plates as a base to let my mind flow at almost mind’s speed into direct images of all sorts. I never cleaned a plate that was just printed, using the remaining colors (called the ‘ghost’) as a prompter for the next image. Marjorie and I worked many late nights in a tense concentration and she continued every week at the lone task of curating the pieces and preparing them for signature.”

A reception for the artist will be held at the gallery on Saturday, August 22- from 6-8 pm

Also on view will be works by gallery artists-including Barbara Friedman, Richard Butler, Eric Rhein, Musho Rodney Alan Greenblat, Bill Griffith, Ed Smith, Alan Kupchick, Christy Rupp – and others.